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B2B signup page teardown

5 mins read
Adam Schoenfeld
Adam Schoenfeld

The common ABM playbook to avoid:

1) Buy a $100K ABM Platform.

2) Spend 6 months implementing.

3) Build territories your AEs/SDRs don't understand.

Really, you need one thing to get started: a quality account list.

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Last week, we collected 2,750 B2B signup page screenshots.

We carefully whittled that collection down to 667 useful SaaS role models.

You can now sort, filter, and study the best B2B website pages for free in our SaaS Screenshots gallery.


Source: SaaS Screenshot Gallery

In today’s issue, we’ll break down data-backed insights from hundreds of SaaS signup pages:

* The rise of SSO (are forms going extinct?)

* Product vs.

sales-led signup trends

* Elements of an effective signup page

Camille summarized our key findings in this LinkedIn post.


Your signup page is not a login page.

At least, it shouldn’t be.

If you’re using the two interchangeably, you’re losing users.

They serve different needs and stages in the buying process.

Unlike login pages, the purpose of a signup page is not only to make product access easy, it’s to make it compelling – obvious.

Below, we explore how B2B SaaS companies are reducing friction and framing their offers to fine-tune the acquisition process.

SSO is 1-click checkout for PLG

A high-leverage PLG growth tactic, more companies are adopting single sign-on (SSO) on their signup pages.

Source: Paddle

37% of B2B SaaS signup pages in our gallery include at least one SSO option.

Google is the most common, followed by Microsoft.

Facebook, Github, Apple, Slack, Okta, and LinkedIn are less common.

Since our screenshot galleries don’t include companies larger than 5K employees, we suspect this number is higher for publicly traded SaaS companies.

Of the first 50 signup pages we reviewed with both options (SSO and form), two-thirds (64%) featured SSO as the primary option, above the manual form fields.

Some companies are taking SSO a step further.

Snyk doesn’t provide another option to sign up.

DialPad, Cypress, Omnisend, and Typeform incentivize SSO by replacing alternate signup fields with a backup CTA button under the SSO options to sign up with email, incentivizing that choice by adding an extra step.

Editor’s Note

Our own experience implementing SSO supports this data.

Since adding SSO to Keyplay Lists a week ago, 67% registered via SSO versus the manual, two-field email and password option.

Form fields: downsized and disappearing

When we introduced our SaaS Demo Page gallery, we saw B2B SaaS companies include six fields on average.

That’s too much to ask for a free signup.

To compare, we sampled the first 50 signup pages with fields in our gallery.

Signup pages feature two fields on average.

Nine was the most we saw, but an extreme outlier.

Nearly half (46%) had just one field, including PLG darlings like Slack, Airtable, ClickUp, Asana, Zoom, Grammarly, Calendly, Miro, and Notion.

Companies like Datadog, Xero, and Udemy Business advertise free trials rather than free-forever plans.

Free trial pages from sales-heavy companies were more likely to feature more fields than their more product-led, free-forever counterparts.

Likely, to segment and send that additional contact data to their sales teams to follow up.

Editor’s Note

Again, personal experiences support these findings.

When we revamped our demo request forms at a previous company, we saw improvements by asking for email only on the first page of the signup form.

Then, even if they dropped off before finishing the intake form, we could follow up via the email we’d already captured to complete the process.

Elements of an effective signup page

We noticed five consistent themes when comparing signup pages from the best B2B SaaS companies.


Compelling (free) offer: What’s included?

Why should I care?


Social proof: Impressive logos, customer quotes, and awards


Peace of mind: “Cancel anytime”, “no credit card required," "100% secure," and specific security certifications


Reasonable time commitment (= efficient acquisition): Progress bars, SSO-first, and minimal form fields on the first page


Scroll-free: All elements should fit comfortably above the fold (no scrolling needed)

As always, you can filter, sort, and spy on competitor pages for free on PeerSignal.

Our B2B SaaS Screenshot gallery now includes:

* Homepages

* Pricing pages

* Demo pages

* Signup pages

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Adam & Camille


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